Meet our Fluffy Family
Each sheep is raised with love and care to grow a beautiful, quality fleece that is a joy to handle and spin.

An unabashedly beautiful girl… if Jolie were a Muppet she would be the beloved Miss Piggy.

The tiniest of the flock, Kricket loves quiet time with a gentle ear rub and an even gentler voice, and of course graham crackers.

Our girl Jenny is a friendly peacemaker in the flock with an easy way about her.

She is bold and adventuresome, demanding attention and right up in your space during the process.

Hannalena has a singular focus on not just her meal but everyone else's, too.

Goldie is not your typical "working dog" — lovingly titled Chief Happiness Officer, her sunny personality always makes us smile.

Large and in charge — Janeway is named affectionately after the commander of the Star Trek Voyager.

Jeannie is our peaceful soul. Mostly silent, she waits her turn, and never causes a fuss with her flock or when handled.

Every flock has one or more members who quietly contribute, making a difference while staying behind the scenes. Epley is one of those girls.

Eugene's the big guy in the pasture of ewes, first in line for food and ever curious if you have treats in your pocket.

Jake is a loyal and fearless protector against natural predators and is very caring of his flock.

Spyros is all about the job of flock protection — no time for snuggles, he has a job to do!

In contrast to Willow’s prickly personality, she is a doting helicopter Mom, watching and hovering to ensure her lamb is safe and loved.

Huffington is a wether with a sunny disposition and an earnest desire to be close.

Low key and mellow are first to mind for Heiko, another of our wethers.

This little guy is our “whatcha doing?” boy. Kos is ever curious, active, and interested in whatever we might be working on.

HollyBlue is one of Lily's granddaughters, and after a few minutes of watching her, you would guess the connection.

Klyden is a careful boy, never first and always stopping to think through before he makes his move.

JillieBlue is one of those special girls that melt your heart.

KylieBlue is simply lovely with a gentle and cooperative way about her.