


When we buy new sheep we're buying to continually improve our flock genetics in some way. There are magic times we buy a sheep just because it's the right thing to do. Eugene is one of those sheep.

We received a text from a shepherdess friend who was dissolving her quality flock. Most of her sheep were sold and Abby hoped we might help save the last few. We took home a lamb wether with lovely fleece and named him Eugene because the name fit. On arrival Eugene got into the grain bin, pooped on the clean coat he was to go into, and knocked over the hoof trimming kit. He was big for his age, goofy and lovable. After quarantine we started the process of slowly integrating him in with the other boys. He just didn't fit in. Rams are wired to push and wrestle and Eugene would not. After many tries we knew he wouldn't make it with the guys and put him in with the girls. Eugene found his true place and has thrived as one of the ewe flock, doing everything the girls do. He's the big guy in the pasture of ewes, always first in line for food and ever curious if you have treats in your pocket.



