Meet our Fluffy Family
Each sheep is raised with love and care to grow a beautiful, quality fleece that is a joy to handle and spin.
Katie is one of our unexpected treasure additions to our flock.
Emogene loves to ride in the utility vehicle with the wind in her face and makes it a point to mercilessly tease the family dog.
We're over the moon to have our girl Elfin. She is consistently an all-star in fleece quality, lambing, temperament, and health.
Biskit is a soft bundle of fluffy surrounded by sweetness and light.
Hands down, Lily's the most intelligent and strong-willed ewe in our flock.
Gigi manages things for us around the farm, including pest control at the grain bins and general supervision of farm improvements and activity.
We brought Anna into our flock to bring specific color genetics and she has given us lovely lambs.